My LadyBossBlogger Course Results

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How I Gained 100 Followers In 1 Week, Tripled My Blog Views, And Increased My Brand Collaborations After Taking The LadyBossBlogger Course

Hey everyone! I am so excited to be talking about my course again! I have been so motivated to create a professional online platform that can help me be a positive influence on others while also making social media a part-time job. Today I want to talk about three different results I have noticed after completing my LadyBossBlogger course


  • Increased Blog Engagement 


I am so excited to announce that my blog engagement has increased to three times the amount it was before the course! I learned so much about social media and my amount of views went from about one thousand views per day to about three thousand views per day! I also gained a ton of likes and comments on my blog posts which was amazing to see. 


  • Increased Instagram Engagement 


Along with my engagement increasing through my blog, my engagement increased in a massive way after following tips and strategies I learned from the course. I gained a few hundred followers within about a week and I also noticed more direct messages and comments on all of my photos! 


  • Increased Brands Reaching Out 


Along with increasing my engagement through my Instagram account, more brands have been reaching out to me to share their products. I have been wanting to make my account a place for brands to be able to share their products, and I am seeing this goal come into fruition because of the Ladybossblogger course

After completing the Ladybossblogger course, I have learned so much about building a successful online platform. If you want to try the course out as well, use my promo code CAMIDAHMS to receive 40% off!! 

Also, head over to my Instagram @thoughts.from.cami to check out who won the @LadyBossBlogger giveaway by @ElaineRau!

Here are some free resources for you to check out:

7-Day Make Money Blogging

21-Day Build A Better Blog

5-Day Master Affiliate Marketing

3-Day Become An Instagram Influencer

Thank you LadyBossBlogger + Elaine Rau for sponsoring this post.

Author: camixdahms

Hello! I am a lifestyle blogger and college student. I hope you'll stick around :)

One thought on “My LadyBossBlogger Course Results”

  1. The best way to gain followers is to be authentic and to be present. Connect with your readers. It is your readers who drive your traffic. Personally, I’ve never taken a course (I’m a broke student…) but I’ve learned from trial and error. Engagement on WP matters more than views. And yet most people will mess this up. They think that they need followers on IG and other social media accounts to drive traffic but the best traffic (those who are here to stay) come from within the WP community! 😊🤗

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