Today’s Reminder

the skies proclaim the work of his name

I’ve never experienced a church service that has actually impacted me and made me think after I left the four walls. I’m always the person who is zoned out probablyyy 85% of the time if I’m being totally honest 😅

Visiting churches here in Vacaville has been so impactful and has been truly such a cool experience. The churches we have visited have focused on grace, love, acceptance… something that is needed in today’s world. Churches that aren’t afraid to worship BOLDLY and raise their hands up. People here truly have the spirit of joy while in church. Though sacred, Christianity and church services don’t always have to be so serious and dry… it’s okay to be bold and super excited during worship + your church services.

This past week at church a message was preached that I have never heard before. It focused on how we are not bound under the Old Testament law anymore. Christians who focus so much on sin are oftentimes using manipulation to change members of churches. They used the example of the verse Psalm 42:1 “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

Though a beautiful verse, we live in the new. We don’t need to pant for the living God, we already have him. He lives within each of us and he loves us with so much grace and acceptance.

Jesus isn’t just a name in the old dusty book on your nightstand. He is true and He lives within each of us. His presence is always right there with us, we don’t have to beg and plead for Him to be close anymore. In this new season of marriage and it’s sacredness, I am so thankful for my new perspective of who Jesus is and the life He calls us to live.

I abandoned blogging for a LONG time. But what I never stopped doing was writing journal entries in the notes app on my phone. I stopped blogging about my faith because honestly it went through quite the dry spell lately. But with marriage and moving to a new city across the country, I realize how much I need Jesus and His apparent presence in my life. I know someone out there needs some Jesus in their life today too 🤍

I’M ENGAGED! + Life Update

Hi everyone, as you may have noticed I have not blogged in a while. I have had a ton of stuff going on in my life! I actually just got a new job as a receptionist. I am so happy and thankful for my job and I am loving it so much. I am in an awesome work environment and I am so thankful God has provided me with such an awesome place to work!

Also…. a big announcement!


Do you guys remember a few years ago about how I had started dating an awesome guy? Well he proposed! I am so thankful and so excited about this season of life and this season in my relationship.

I was looking at my Bible the other day and found a section where I had written about some of my main goals in life. My number one goal was to be a good wife someday. Now that I am getting closer to that phase of life, I feel so excited and honored that God has orchestrated this phase of life. I have been praying about it for literally years and I can’t wait to see how God uses me to benefit His kingdom!

Let’s talk more about my fiancé…

Bryce is such an awesome and Godly guy! Over the past few years, he has helped me become the person I am today. He is so encouraging and kind to me always. He is also super caring and sweet to me! Finally, he is my best friend. We have so much fun together and I can’t wait for a life with him!

I feel so thankful and blessed. I can’t wait to post more about my engagement and wedding planning!

Ecclesiastes 4:12

“A triple-braided chord is not easily broken”

Also!! Please let me know any books you recommend for engaged/ married couples! Along with this, let me know your best marriage advice! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Start Romanticizing Your Life

Oftentimes in this social media filled society, we are obsessed with looking on other Instagram feeds and comparing our lives to theirs. We see our favorite influencers posting photos in beautiful clothes and traveling to beautiful places. We see people’s perfect college experiences, perfect relationships, perfect friend groups.

And we feel like we fall short.

My encouragement to you today is to focus on developing a visionary mindset.

Do what makes you feel happy and at peace. You are the main character in your personal life. Wake up, do your devotions, and make your favorite coffee.

I’ve been applying this concept of romanticizing my life so much lately and it has been an amazing coping mechanism during these rough times. I’ve always felt so annoyed about living in Indiana- but now I find that I am grateful for Indiana summers. This is probably my last one here, and I want to enjoy the Midwest while I finish up my last few months living here. I’ll always come home to visit, but I may never live in the state of Indiana again. So at night, I look to the sky and enjoy the sunsets only Indiana can offer. I enjoy my walks where I can look at the lakes. I go to the local ice cream places and listen to country music. I embrace the peace that only small-town living can bring.

Learn to embrace where you are at this very moment and appreciate it while you still can. Someday, it won’t be yours to enjoy anymore. Though God is constantly pulling us towards new, better chapters; he never says to only focus on the new chapters. He wants us to appreciate where we are right now and love the chapter to the fullest.

If you can’t find beauty around you, check your mindset, and be intentional on shifting it. I often hate the colder months and long for sunnier days. But who knows how often I’ll see snow again or curl up by a warm fireplace.

Be grateful when you wake up and maintain your best positive mindset, it will serve you well in the long run.

The Gift of Life: A Guest Post by Addie

Do you ever feel useless? Like your life doesn’t mean anything? Like you aren’t making an impact on the world in the slightest bit? Well, let me reassure you: you are not alone in that. Most everyone feels that way at some point or another in their lives. It is normal to feel like that sometimes, but don’t dwell on it. The Bible reminds us in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are true. Thinking that you are pointless, my friend, is most definitely not true.

If you are a Christian, you have a specific and extremely important calling. The Bible tells us to go into all nations and tell people about Jesus. The Bible also makes it abundantly clear in
1 Thessalonians 4:3 that the will of God for our lives is to become more like Jesus. We have a purpose in life. We have a reason to live. There is a beautiful song that is an amazing reminder of this truth. It is called “So I Can Love” by one of my favorite groups: Shane and Shane! Go listen to this song!

If blood is runnin’ through
If I’ve been given another day
If I can open my eyes
There’s gotta be a reason why In the morning when I wake up If there’s air fillin’ up my lungs
If I’m still alive
There’s gotta be a reason why And oh, if my heart’s still beating It’s only so I can
Love the Lord my God
With all my heart

This song is an incredible reminder of the beauty and gift of life. How amazing is it that every day when we wake up we know that we have a Savior in heaven that loves us unconditionally. He loves us so much that he died on the cross for our sins when he was completely sinless. He came to earth to be a humble servant and die a sinner’s death. We have so much to be thankful for and to live for. So, fellow Believer, remember that you do have a reason to get out of bed every morning. You do have someone who loves you and who will never leave you behind.
With Love, Addie

Hey guys! My name is Addie, and I am the author of “The Musings of a Teenage Girl” blog where I write about my faith in Jesus, my family, and my friends. I am the oldest of 5 kids, and I absolutely love my family! I enjoy writing, singing, and playing piano. I love Hallmark movies and country music. If you enjoyed this post, you can find more like it at Make sure to follow me on Instagram!

A Study in Philippians: A Guest Post By Faith


I love to take verses from the Bible and pick them apart. Learning the original meanings of words, understanding what the writer was really trying to say, knowing better why it’s there in the Bible in the first place. God always intended for us to really know His Word–more than just on the level of having a few famous verses memorized (we’re all guilty of that)–more than even on the level of knowing the culture and tradition that’s so deeply ingrained into the Word. But knowing the Word. What it really means, the reason it’s there, the beautiful lesson He puts behind every single word. The Bible has always been more than just words slapped on a blank page, more than just inspirational stories, more, even, than God’s Word, directly from His heart. Everything in the Bible has a lesson underlying the surface image–something God wants us to learn about Him. So I try to learn it.

Philippians 4:10-11 says:
  10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.
  11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

People have a tendency to bring to remembrance 11b when it comes in handy as a reminder that our circumstances shouldn’t determine our attitudes. They like to say that Paul said he learned to be content, even as he wrote this letter to Philippi in prison. That he was content with where he was–behind bars for no just cause. But I’m going to touch on what God has taught me through this verse as I’ve meditated on it.

In full context of this passage, you can see that Paul was saying to the Philippians that he noticed that their care for him has grown. . . back up. Interesting. Notice the use of the words “again” and “ye lacked opportunity”. So basically they hadn’t really shown their care for him until “the last”, meaning very recently. He could possibly have been referring to the time of his arrest, in which case he would be saying that they only actively cared for him when he was in trouble. And let’s be honest, we’ve all had a friend like that. One who only pays you any real mind when they think you need them to. Far past the time when you actually needed them to take notice of you. So we can understand where Paul is coming from here.

Now, to clear any confusion, the word “opportunity”, coming from “opportune”, originally came from the Latin ob–“in the direction of”–and portus–“harbor”, which was used to describe the wind driving against the harbor–which always happened at the expected time and place, like the tide rolling in. Also coming from “opportune” is the word “seasonable”, which meant in its archaic form “coming at the right time or meeting the needs of the occasion”. So when Paul says “opportunity”, he’s not saying that the Philippians didn’t get the opportunity–or the chance–to show their care for him, like we would read today. But rather, he’s saying that they didn’t show their care for him even when presented with the opportunity. Therefore, “wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity” means, “I know you cared for me, but you didn’t show it.”

Referring back to what I first said, this is where I point out the importance of studying more than just the Scripture itself. You have to look into the words used in the Scripture. Language has changed since the Bible was written (duuuh, obviously), so what the word used to mean isn’t always what it still means.

So back to the point. Paul notices that the Philippians’ care for him has grown back up, and he praises God for that. But then he says, “Not that I speak in respect of want”. So he’s saying, “Not that I’m saying I wanted you to show your care for me.” He’s pretty much making the most selfless statement ever. “I needed you and you weren’t there until it was too late. But that’s perfectly okay.”

This is where 11b actually steps in. “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Paul was never really saying that, in prison or not, he has learned to be content in God. He was saying that even without support and help and love from his “friends”, he’s okay because of God. Now, I’m not belittling the fact that living in prison, especially under unjust accusations, is hard. I’m positive that he was referring to that, too. But taken into full context, his mind was probably on the hurt that doesn’t come from imprisonment, but comes from. . . loneliness.

So let’s see again what Philippians 4:10-11 really means, in its truest context.
“I greatly rejoiced in the Lord, because recently I saw that you really do care for me. I knew that you cared before, but it was hard to see. Not that I’m complaining or putting you down for it. Because I’ve learned that, no matter what’s going on in my life, I can and will be content in all that God is.”

So I’m speaking this out over all those who are in a state in which it’s hard to be content. Those who feel rejected or isolated or alone. Especially in this day and time when we’re all so separated from our friends and family. It’s hard, I know, I’ve been there, even a matter of days ago. But guess what? There’s actually a Bible verse that speaks over your situation, pushing you to find your contentedness in God, not in people, and also not in your circumstances. People are so great to have in our lives, but they’re also so easy to trust in, even when they’re not trustworthy. So easy to depend on, even when they’re not dependable. Only God and Jesus will ever be worthy of the trust and dependence that we absolutely have to place on someone, because we all need someone who will hold us up, but will never let us down. That’s God. We’re not alone, after all. Now that sounds like something to be content in.

About The Author

Hey, y’all, my name’s Faith. I’m the author and creator of Suddenly, Grace blog; a blog where I write about everything from my life to my relationship with God to what I’ve learned from God’s Word. I’m a recently graduated homeschool kid from Texas, prepping for my first year of  Bible college to come in September. Some of my favorite things are playing with the worship team at my church (I’m the keyboardist!), reading, writing (DUH), taking care of my crazy family, and growing my relationship with God one day at a time. If you enjoyed reading this awesome God-post, be sure to check out my website at and follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest! Praying for y’all!


Your Weekly Encouragement: Diving Into Gratitude


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34

In the past six months, I have suffered from being in content. In today’s world, everyone is doing their workout routines, wearing cute and expensive outfits, and going on amazing trips. I struggled with being jealous of others because of their amazing opportunities and it was just such a negative mindset honestly. Sometimes when I would watch YouTubers, I’d be thinking “Wow I want a pair of lululemon leggings and that cute Louis Vitton tote that I could take to class with me” or I would think “wow I want to go to SoulCycle every morning then take tropical vacations every few months”. These are all things I have envied in the past and still struggle with today. 

When I was praying the other night, suddenly I began thinking about how blessed I truly am. I have my own room, I have hot water to take a shower, I have parents that aren’t divorced, I have a closet filled with clothes, I have an iPhone, I have the access to Bibles, I have everything I need; which is something so many people in the world do not. Whenever I feel jealous of others, I have begun feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit. I have so many amazing opportunities that have been given to me by God. I feel like when I get jealous of what others have I am telling God that what He has given me is not good enough. Whenever you feel in content with your life, think about all the amazing things God has done for you and all of the amazing things He will be doing in your future. 

I know I have talked about God’s provision in the past, but I want to touch on it again. God is going to provide you with every single thing you need in order to further His Kingdom. He will make a way for His plan even if you are in the darkest of situations. He knows exactly what He is doing even on the days where you lay in bed and think about how terrible you have it. 

Remember that being jealous of what others have is going to destroy you. Be joyful always, and have a heart that thanks God through every phase of life and every situation. Because there will be a time for you to celebrate your victories as well. You have amazing things coming up in your future that you cannot even imagine yet. God is constantly working in your life and He will bless you as you let go of everything else for Him. 

Also, take note that all of the things you have right now won’t have any significance in heaven. God is the center of our lives and He is the most important aspect of who we are and how we live our lives. We will not be able to take any of our material items with us to heaven, so don’t put too much value in the things you own. It is better to give than to receive, so try to donate money when you can instead of using money to buy something expensive that you probably do not need! 

I hope that this short post encouraged you and helped you with having a different mindset for your week! I want to be inspiring to you all and help you focus on God instead of life here on earth. 

Social Media

Instagram: thoughts.from.cami 

Pinterest: Cami Dahms 


How To Strengthen Your Faith All Year Long



And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together

Colossians 1:17 

Okay, so I have totally gone through phases where I am so on fire for God. I do all the right things that a Christian should do. I wake up thirty minutes early, read my Bible, and do my daily devotional before starting my day. I’m sure this routine works for some people, but that routine isn’t what sets me on fire for God. throughout my life, I have definitely gone through so many ups and downs in my faith, and I have struggled with consistency. I hate setting a routine when it comes to my spiritual life, and I can’t wake up and do the same thing every day. So today, I am going to give you six tips for keeping your spiritual momentum and fire going all year long!

  1. Spending Time in Prayer 
    • The first thing you can do to keep your momentum going in your relationship with God is prayer. Prayer is so simple, so effective, and such an easy way to communicate with God. Whenever I pray, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. God is that person you can talk to about anything without barriers, so make sure you talk to Him about everything without putting boundaries on your prayers. It is hard to pray about certain things, but make sure you do it. Something I pray for is my relationships and that if God doesn’t want certain people in my life, He will take them out. This is so hard to pray for, but it is more important to know that you are following God’s path.
  2. Spending Time in Worship 
    • I love love love worship. Worship can be so diverse and can be expressed in so many different ways, and I love seeing how people embrace worship and feel God’s presence. Some people feel God by art, some by music, some by serving, etc. There are so many possibilities. I love worshipping God through music. I’m not a musical person or a good singer by any means, but I love to listen to worship music and feel God’s presence. I also love to worship God using writing. I love to write and I love it when God uses my skills to share messages with others all around the world. Make sure to involve worship in your daily life throughout the day, because it is so important to feel God in your day to day life.
  3. Having the Right Mindset 
    • Mindset is also a large part of keeping up the momentum in your faith. If you decide to just give up and not attempt to get closer to God, you won’t be actively working on your faith. Make sure to keep an eternal mindset in your life. Your life here on earth truly does not matter. There is so much more for us in heaven and life right now is just a little tiny part of God’s love and purpose for us. Focus right now on growing closer to God and doing everything you can for Him because that is all that truly matters.
  4. Listening to Sermons
    • Youtube has been so helpful for me honestly. You know how you will go to a conference and get super on fire for the Lord? Thanks to youtube, I have been able to listen to some of the most well-known and spirit lead individuals This is so amazing guys! You can listen to sermons every single day, so do it!! Something I always say is “Sermons aren’t just for Sundays” and you should listen to spiritual sermons and podcasts daily, too! Here’s a challenge for you: every day while you get ready, listen to a sermon. It will change your life, mindset, and set up your day for success!
  5. Take Time to Journal 
    • My next tip: get a journaling Bible. I am that person who writes down a million notes whenever I am listening to a sermon or when I am reading my Bible. Having a journaling Bible has been so beneficial to my spiritual life and it is also so insightful to look back and see all of the notes I made in my Bible. It is so important to have a Bible that you love. Get a Bible that makes you feel inspired to read it and draws you in!
  6. Having Good Friends 
    • Having good friends is so essential. Even if you have one good friend who encourages you to be the best Christian you can be, that is still way better than having five good friends who are lukewarm Christians or people who don’t follow God at all. Have discernment with your friends, and don’t be afraid to stop hanging out with people who don’t encourage your walk with God. If you don’t have good friends right now, pray that God will bring them to you in His timing. Be friends with people who make good decisions, have a relationship with God, and pray for you.

Thank you so much for reading today’s post! If you have any other ways that you keep the momentum in your relationship with God, comment down below! You can also email me at (I love hearing from you guys) or message me on Instagram (thoughts.from.cami) I’m praying for you guys!- Cami

Weekly Encouragement: Letting Go of the Lies


Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing 

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Hey everyone! I know I have been posting like crazy lately but God has been laying so many different things on my heart lately and I feel so inspired to share with you everything God is revealing to me. Maybe I should add a third post every week haha- a post for my women’s ministry series, a post of weekly encouragement, and a more personal post. But here is the issue I am running into- I feel like all three things often intertwine together and correlate. I want my whole life to be all about ministering to others, encouraging others, and using my life and personal stories/struggles to encourage you! Every time I post I pray that God will allow ONE person to read my post. That ONE person who will be encouraged and feel the Spirit’s love and security. I have been praying over and over that my life will be used by God to build other women up. As I was praying today and spending time with God, I was reminded that God seriously has some amazing things for me.

Today I was encouraged that I need to let go of the lies the enemy is telling me. I felt so empowered and encouraged by the Holy Spirit to let go of the voice in my head ( the enemy ) that is telling me that I’m not good enough, that I’m alone, and that I will never have a true purpose or value. This thought made me think of Eve in the Bible when she ate the fruit. Even though she made a huge mistake and did what God did not want her to do, God still offered her hope. Even though Eve ruined her covenant with God, God still brought hope and salvation to the situation. In Genesis 3:15 which discusses the fall, God talked to the serpent and said “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel” this is very powerful and shows the omniscience of God. The point I want to make here is this- bruised heels still crush the head of the serpent. You can be at your lowest point, and you can still get rid of the enemy’s voice inside of your head that is telling you that you can’t do it.

Killing the voice in your head that tells you that you can’t do anything will change your perspective and point of view. It will cause you to celebrate all of the times God says “no” in your life. When God closes a door, He is leading you closer and closer to His amazing plan for your life. Keep in mind that every person who doesn’t accept you, every relationship that ends, and every job that rejects you; every single one of these “no’s” is leading you closer to God and His plan for your life. Other people will discourage you or say that what you are doing with your life isn’t smart or accepted, but you have to just look at God and trust in His plan and His miracles.

My advice to you is to stop diluting your prayers with your fears. Pray that God will destroy everything that isn’t for you and your purpose. Pray that God will clothe you in His righteousness. Pray that you will feel His presence walking with you every single step of the way. Allow Him to lead your life instead of you trying to lead it by yourself. Pray that God will take away all other options in your life so you know that He is the one performing the miracle in your life.

Something I’ve thought about today is who are my dream spiritual mentors. These mentors are people who I want to mirror and people who inspire my life. I encourage you to do this too and figure out what you like about those people and what traits you want to emulate from them. The first person that inspires me is Sadie Robertson. She inspires me to be fearless and to demonstrate true joy and courage. The next person that inspires me is Francis Chan. He has such a giving and loving spirit that discourages materialism and self, and that is something I want to have in my life as well. Finally, I am encouraged by Rachel Hollis. If she was my mentor, I would want it to be for business because she started as a blogger like me and I think she is so inspiring and has a great business mindset. Keep in mind those people in your life/ those people you admire and work on living like them. You obviously shouldn’t copy them exactly, but look at their faith in God and try to mirror some of their habits and mindsets so you can feel encouraged daily.

Something cool that I heard in a sermon today was the fact that if you are on fire for God, those around you will start to be on fire for God too. This can apply to most relationships in your life. Following Christ puts a light in your life and will shine so others can see it as well. I always pray that I can become one of those people that you feel the presence of God around. I know a couple of people like this in my personal life and I always hope that I can be like that, too. For 2020, this week, today- chase God’s presence. You will never regret the time you spend with God. I’m praying for all of you who read to this point and I hope you guys aren’t getting too annoyed at me yet. I love you all and I appreciate everyone who reads all my posts! If you are a new visitor and are reading for the first time, comment down below so I can welcome you to this community. I love you guys! – Cami

For more blog updates and content, follow @thoughts.from.cami on Instagram!

Your Season Matters


“The Lord has made everything for its purpose”

Proverbs 16:4

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great New Year and congrats on making it to 2020! Welcome to my first blog post of the DECADE. Woah, that’s crazy to say! I keep thinking about where I will be in ten years from today. What will my blog be like? What will I end up doing with my life? What is God’s plan for me in the next ten years? So many questions! The questions I have been having and considering my hopes and dreams for the future have made me so excited, but also discontent in the season I am in.

The past few months have been weird for me! I have not had very much going on, and I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. I discussed this a little bit in my last Women’s Ministry blog post “Your Passions & God’s Calling” which you can find here on my website. Today’s blog is as much for me as it is for you guys, so I hope this will encourage both of us and help you guys feel inspired!

The first piece of advice I am going to give you today is that if you are not dead, God is not done. This phrase encourages me to continue this season of my life with hope and trust in God and His plan for my life. Right now I have so much free time on my hands, and I have begun thinking about what I am going to do with all this free time. I have some big plans and dreams, but right now it seems like I don’t have the tools to achieve some of those things. So I am deciding to focus on what I am passionate about AND can do as much as I want, which is blogging and writing. I am devoting the first five months of 2020 to build an online community, to grow closer to God, and to prepare for the next season of my life. If God is giving me so much free time to get into His Word and build my relationship with Him, that must mean that He has something big for me in the future that requires skills that I can work on cultivating now.

Another important part of appreciating your season is your mindset. Feeling overwhelmed? Turn to God with all your problems. Going through something super hard? God is using your situation to grow your character. He can bring good in EVERY situation. He is always loving, always positive, and always providing. Right now, I feel bored with my life; but God knows that big things will come, things that will make me miss these simple days where I can drink black coffee and work on my blog all day long at my cozy desk. Love the person who you are today because you have a purpose. Be creative! Think about how God is going to use you and how he is equipping and encouraging you today to take the opportunity to grow closer to Him. I had to sit down and write out some goals I have for the next few months. Along with working on my blog, I also am hoping to devote a large amount of time to reading my Bible and growing in my Biblical knowledge. I also hope to do some awesome things on this blog like collabs and possibly creating a Bible study. I want to make this season of my life valuable, productive, and amazing.

So what are YOU going to do with the season you are in? Consider how you can use the season you are in to further the kingdom of God. Your season is important and has a purpose right now. Remember that if you have a pulse, God has a purpose for your life.

PS: I made an instagram account for my blog, so you can check there for updates—>@thoughts.from.cami